Processing: Whats is too much?

A Birds Eye View

The image above is not how I would typically edit a nature shot. Not only that but it will never be entered in a nature competition or be in a magazine. But I did this edit to express my opinions on what is too much in editing. I see that said a lot. "its over edited" "it is too over done" so many comments. Many times on Social Media you will find people who plain out love an image because they are following a photographers work or because they just like an image. And others who will always find fault in everything. This was shot on my back yard feeders. and I took a bunch of shots because these little buggers are super fast. I'm not. I Processed this in Black and white in NIK Silver Efex Pro and Lightroom  As an artist it is a really nice shot. It's technically wrong in all sorts of ways. It doesn't flow properly. The bird is backwards. The visual flow is pretty much in reverse, But it tells a story and says, "hey, look food" So enjoy your images however you like. But know their value.