Happy New Years

Sandy neck Light Cape Cod, MA

Sandy neck Light Cape Cod, MA

2015! I hope the start of the year finds everyone happy and healthy! For those of you who aren't fortunate to be those, I wish you health and happiness in the months to come. 

This year in photography is starting out very well. Westfield Camera Club has many exciting topics to cover in the up coming months. I have said before I am blessed and honored to be part of such a great group of talented photographers, The study group recently asked me how I approach my Black and white shooting. I typically just see a subject that will really look amazing black and white. I use my camera settings and composition when i can to create a strong image. As photographers we chase light to make images really pop. With black and white that holds true. But i also pay attention to structure, lines and shapes and most important shadows. I also keep my post processing in mind so that i can compose my image while shooting to make processing easier. I also suggest shooting in monochrome settings to really learn how your images will work for you when you get home to the computer. This image was shot on a moving boat the sky had zero clouds and the image was ordinary at best. So I applied some filters and went with this look. I think its is a really nice shot. Keep shooting and remember have fun!