On1 Photo 10 and why it's even great for Nature and Animals
/High ISO and Digital Noise
This is my out of camera Image. Canon 7d ISO 3200 F/8 !/500 second exposure.
This was edited in On1 Photo 10 Enhance
I took this shot to show you how to save a fairly poor photo. I shot this with every setting wrong. I had way too high of ISO and also not enough shutter speed for 600mm. (960mm equivalent) I composed tight because there is this bark hanging in front of her tail. I could have easily removed it with tools here in On1 Photo 10. But I wanted to show how minimal editing can make the image better. I clicked FIX FOCUS and AUTO TONE. That's it! done in less than a minuet! My friends at On1 have really listened to the photographers out here! My prerelease version has a few quirks for sure. And with every email they work to make them perfect! So click a banner and get your copy today!