
Chickadee at Quabbin Reservoir. 

Chickadee at Quabbin Reservoir. 

Yesterday I got to go out and work some slow exposures at Quabbin. While I was there I decided to check out this orchard that's there. Well We walked in and I found an open section where I could obtain the four foot minimal focusing distance with my Tamron 150x600 lens. It was dead quiet and not a bird in sight...then they came. There were so many with in a foot of me its was so cool. Eventually they were landing on me and my lens. I had a Nuthatch climb up and down my leg.  I captured this little ham a few times. I was using what I consider a very affordable group of equipment. Canon 7d with the Tamron 150x600 and Sirui P204s Monopod. ISO 640 f8 1/500 second shutter speed.