Dark and Dreary
/The day was actually quite nice. Slightly overcast and a little brisk. But not bad for the end of January. The company was good too. When I saw how this image came out on my little camera, I only hoped it was as nice as it looked. I knew i would make it a black and white conversion. This is a 75 second exposure. My exposure was really good in camera I decided to use a luminosity mask in On1 Photo 10 to take some whites out of the clouds. Yes you can do this in Light Room CC but I really wanted to have a certain look. I then added Sunshine and a little vignette in Effects to finish up, Canon 7d with 24x105 at 24mm F-18 ISO 100. I carry my gear in a Lowepro Flipside AW500 and Peak Design Slide Strap, Shield and Capture PRO make my work easy!