Peak Design
/Lens Capture
Lens Capture attached to Slide Mini Strap
I wanted to talk about the Peak Design Lens Capture. I twisted the Peak Design Slide Mini strap so I could show how I attached the strap to the lens Capture. Let me first say there are several ways to use the Lens Capture this was my way of not having to lug a big back pack in a small green house for Macro work. I had my camera on a tripod 90% of the time so it made things easy to use. I had three lenses that I changed between. The Tamron 15x30, 90mm and 180mm Macro (shown attached) the lenses locked in really well. I never felt uncomfortable about them falling out. Even with other people bumping into me. The lenses MUST lock in. I say this because I found that when attaching the lens opposite of the lock the lens didn't stay locked. But once you see how it works it's really easy to use. I pivoted between lenses with no effort at all and literally made lens changes in seconds. I hope you consider Peak Design products for you use. Please click any of the Peak Design logos on my site for discounts on their products.