The Fury Bird
/One of our daily visitors at the Stump.
Without a seconds notice this black squirrel was up on the Stump and having his way with some suet. I'm sure him and his army of buddies eat a lot of the seed I put out daily and that's ok. The Boyz chase them off for their daily exercise. I was talking to Sonia tonight about how sometimes focusing on the business end of photography is all consuming. My business has grown to a manageable level over the past year or so. For some reason that drives me to do more. But I have this moment tonight where I said to myself, don't forget to enjoy this journey. I do enjoy my work. I enjoy watching nature unfold in front of me. I love the smiles of people when I capture their special moments for them. And I enjoy capturing my little girl growing up. Saturday I am going to take some photos of her at her first Easter egg hunt. I can't wait!