Happy Easter

A plastic egg from Look Park  

A plastic egg from Look Park  

I belly flopped to the grass yesterday to make this image with the Tamron 15x30 F2.8 DI VC  USD lens. I was looking for an opportunity to see the amount the lens dropped off at 2.8. It's pretty amazing. I wasn't prepared for the gorgeous foreground  bokeh at less than two inches.  

But enough about that :)  

Easter is really a special holiday for my family. We made the decision to bring Amelia up in the Catholic Faith prior to her birth. Along with that many moments have been made special to Sonia and myself around the religious beliefs. I was baptized Catholic early on when I wasn't expected to live past a few days old. But I was raised in the Protestant Chuch. That being said, along my path to becoming Sonia's husband I learned a lot about how her faith views marrige and parenting. Our precanna and the class about Amelia's Baptisim really made me appreciate the journey. From the people who we met and shared those moments with. To the moments of seeing Amelia knocking the other two year olds on their butts to get all the eggs...ok the last part was wishful thinking :) I have to keep the Masshole alive in this family somehow! Happy Easter to everyone. I hope your day is filled with love and happiness. And if you hunt for eggs. Don't allow anyone to get yours!