Extra Reach.

Taken with a Canon 7d Tamron 150x600

Taken with a Canon 7d Tamron 150x600

So I had a little time to shoot during the beginning of the rain this afternoon. I have been shooting with my Canon 5dmiii pretty much since I got it. But I wanted to get closer to my further away perch today. I've always been a firm believer in in camera composition. I try my best not to crop unless I have to in post processing. With that said the sharpness and low noise on the 5d allows for a large amount of cropping without loss of quality. I love the extra reach the 1.6x crop factor the 7d offeres. It saves me time in post and challenges me to expose and nail the focus to get a tack sharp shot.  

Many beginner photographers and even some advanced shooters opt for the APS-C bodies. Because they are less expensive and usually a lot lighter. And truthfully I think it's a wonderful tool when you haven't ever used a full frame camera. I find often times when working with students that they want to fill the frame with their subjects. So the extra reach allows them to get closer and stay outside the lenses minimum focus distance. and still allow in camera compositions. 

Image made with a Canon 7d and Tamron 150x600 at 600mm F/8 ISO 640 resulting in a shutter of 1/250th of a second. Gear mounted on a Sirui N3204x tripod with a PH-20 Gimbal head. Looked at in On1 Photo 10 and LRCC. Carried in. Lowepro Flipside 500 and Peak Design Accesories. Lexar memory cards.