Artistic Macro
/Back yard macro. Canon 5d Miii and Tamron 180mm f3.5 Di LD IF Macro Lens
Explore everything. Dissect everything. Make it all your own. View it from every angle and make it special with your own vision. I spent an hour looking at the blossoms forming on our anniversary cherry blossom tree. Sonia and I planted as part of our journey together. It has grown into a very special tree in ways that are obvious and some not so obvious. As your skills and a photographer blossom you will see things is ways you had not in the past. Just like in a marrige. The way you see things matures and really makes your artist vision start to unfold. These two leaves when I exposed them with the light coming through the branches really made me want to show the veins. The tiny, seemingly meaningless parts of life that have the greatest impact. Canon 5dmiii Tamron 180 macro. On top of my Sirui N3204x tripod and. K-30 ball head. Edited in Lightroom CC Nix silver effects.