Stuck in Manual?
/Nuthatch at the Log
I have used the term stuck in manual as apposed to stuck in auto many times in conversation about whats better manual or auto modes. The truth is there is no "better" mode. I say stuck in manual because often times many shooters get so caught up in the latest thing they forget their camera is a tool. Many tools inside of a tool to be exact. To me a truly skilled photographer will use whatever they need to get the job done. Sometimes its Aperture Priority, Shutter priority or full manual mode...even fully auto mode. There are situations where the camera is going to make the best decision. I have not use fully auto in many years. But I would if I was stuck. Being proud isn't worth missing the shot of a life time. Or someone else's life time. Today I grabbed my Canon 7d and Tamron 150x600 lens. I mounted it on my Sirui Tripod and PH-20 Gimbal Head. I went to manual mode and took this shot.600mm (960 equivalent) ISO 640 F6.5 Shutter speed of 1/250 of a second for perfect exposure. I also manually focused this lens while hunting for this little guy. Imported to Lightroom CC. Zero editing. Challenge yourself If you are stuck in manual try other modes and know what your camera is capable of in various lighting. If you are stuck in auto try your skills in manual mode. Happy weekend everyone!