/A family of geese.
So yesterday after Amelia's doctors appointment, we stopped to feed the "duckies". I was hoping to see some geeselings and we found these little older ones. To Amelia they were babies. Well anyhow this shot was at 24mm. So they got pretty close. I had Amelia sit on my lap so I could protect her if I needed too. But this strange thing happened. When I pulled Amelia close the mother (I think) relaxed. We were literally 2 feet away from each other. Naturally when the camera was out she got a little tense. So I kept it short and sweet. She chased several other geese and ducks away. Even after the kids had enough bread to sink them like submarines as they went in the water. Wildlife and nature is about respecting each other's habitats. People so often think it's our rights to violate animals spaces. Now this was at a park where hundreds of people go every day. But that didn't mean I shouldn't respect the geese and their babies spaces. It meant we needed to respect each other. Image made with a Canon 5dmiii and 24x105 l series lens. Aperture priority mode f/5.6 ISO 800 resulting in a shutter speed of 1/800 of a second at 24mm. Camera Carried on my Peak Design Slide strap. Edited in LRCC and On1