Artistic Photography
/Happy Hour.
The hour before and after sunrise and sunset is Happy Hour for photographers. The golden hours are the times when true artistry from Mother Nature takes place. This image is a creative artsy vision I had when I snapped a few shots of the fisherman going to work. If you have never visited fishing villages of Maine or Cape Ann in Massachusettes there are always cool images to be created with the many boats and compositions available. Go explore these areas and let your vision grow. Image made with Canon 7d Miii and Sigma 70x200 F/8 ISO 200 shutter speed of 1/500 of a second at 110mm. Gear on top of a Sirui N3204x and K-30 ball head. Carried in a Lowepro Flipside 500 and Peak Design Slide Strap and Capture Pro. Viewed in ON1 photo 10.5 and created in Effects and Nik Color Pro 4 and LRCC. Join me in Cape Ann in June for a workshop.