Getting My Feet Wet
/Sanderson Brook Falls.
So I went out chasing waterfalls again this morning. I'm having a workshop June 11 at two waterfalls, Sandersonbrook Falls and Goldmine Brook Falls. So I wanted to scout out Sanderson and get a good look at what it has to offer. Both falls are really different and offer a unique variety of compositions. You could spend hours on the brooks that the falls feed. Loads of photo opportunities. And neither falls are difficult to access. They take a little effort but nothing extremely dangerous.
So I wanted to get my feet wet. Actually after my incident a few weeks ago, I kind of wondered how my confidence levels would be affected. Honestly I was s little more focused on making sure everything was safely attached to my tripod that was securely mounted to the earth beneath it. My Peak Design Leash was around my neck at all times. That alone made any anxiety I was anticipating nonexistent. Image made with my Canon 5d Miii and Canon 24x105. Using a Marui CIrcular Polarizer. This is at 52mm F/11 ISO 100 resulting in a 6 second exposure. I confidently mounted my camera on my Sirui N3204x tripod and K-30 ball head. I carried my gear in Lowepro Flipside AW500 and my Peak Design Capture Pro, and Leash Strap. Processed in On1 Photo 10 and LRCC.