World Photography Day
/Hairy Woodpecker on the Stump
177 years. So Facebook tells me. I started my journey with a camera many years ago. But around 5 years ago or so, I met my friend David Akoubian. I met him at the NECCC and later shot with him in Cape Ann. But our friendship started on social media. Like many friendships in this industry do. and I have met many others since through David. Ed Heaton (who I actually met on social media before David) Cecil Homes, Mike Moats, Jillian Bell, Hazel and Dave Meredith, Tom and Lisa Cuchara, Hoke Smith, Lou Raimondi, honestly so many wonderfully talented shooters. Many I have yet to shoot with. I have been inspired, humbled and driven by my friends in Westfield Camera Club. Every single one of you!
When David and I shot out in Cape Ann, we talked a lot when we drove out there at 3:30 am. One of the things he spoke of was being kind. It wasn't that Iam not kind, but I have a very strong way of directing my words. So I changed. He taught me to use my tripod. So I do. He taught me to always use a shutter release. I always do when on my and tripod. (except on my gimbal) He taught me Cecil is always right. And he always is. He taught me vertical composition works as well as horizontal. I use it a lot more than I used too. He has taught me about birds, flowers and bugs. Here is one from this morning. I had not shot in a bit. Well not for my personal enjoyment. This is a Hairy Woodpecker. I dedicate it to David and every photographer out there doing what they are passionate about! Lets hope this art grows for another 177 years!
Image made with my Canon 5d Miii and Tamron 150x600 on my Sirui N3204x Tripod and PH-20 Gimbal Head. Viewd in On1 Photo 10 and Lightroom CC.