Staying With A Subject
/A Humpback Whale
Captain Larry did just that. He kept the customers on subjects all day. The Bar Harbor Whale Watch Crew were great. The trip was well narrated and the staff were attentive. They attended to passengers having issues with the waves and even loaned out binoculars. We went out to Petit Manan Island to view Puffins and other sea birds. There was a seal lounging as well. Then he found us three Fin or Finback Whales and the Captain followed them for quite some time. Last he came upon this Humpback Whale. The whale took a deep dive and fortunate for me came up on the starboard side of the boat. I managed a couple shots, but I stayed on the tail until it was no longer visible. The point of my post is great photographers will often get to a site early and stay until they no longer have a subject. Image made with a Canon 7d and Tamron 150x600 Di VC USD lens. Hand held with the vibrations compensation on.