Are you Nuts-hatch?
/White Breated Nuthatch on the Stick
I wanted to start this post out by saying thank you to every person I know on social media (the ones who matter :) for wishing me a happy birthday yesterday. I worked last night and today start my vacation. I have big plans on catching up around the house. So I think my photography work will take a back seat for a day or so. This morning the light was spotty and there were a lot of harsh shadows. This nuthatch sat there forever. Are you nuts-hatch? These little birds rarely sit still. Though a few years ago I trudged out in the deep snow to see if one had gotten caught in the feeder. I used the light to my advantage. And underexposed slightly to help balance out the overall exposure. Image made with the Canon 5d Miii and Tamron Di VC USD lens tethered to my a Sirui N3204x tripod and PH-20 Gimbal head with a Peak Design leash strap. Manual mode f/8 ISO 1600 shutter speed 1/250 of a second.