The Stick
/Young Male red Bellied Wood Pecker.
Happy Fourth of July everyone. Independence Day! I have been fortunate to capture the Adults of this young male Red Bellied woodpecker. He has been coming every day at around 7 am and once he spots me doesn't come back. But I finally managed a so so shot of him. Independence comes fast for young broods. (If that's the correct way to say that) with in a matter of weeks the adults see their hatchlings into the world. Our country was founded on the ability to make sound choices in life. And when we make mistakes we grow from them. I hope for generations to come our country remains free and independent. I hope everyone finds their second half of 2016 to be prosperous and filled with love and happiness. Image made with Canon 5d Miii and Tamron 150x600 on top of my Sirui N3204x and Ph-20 Gimbal head.