The Stick

The Stick


I'm just back from our trip to Acadia National Park and Cape Cod and I have wondered what new birds would be on the Stick. The sanctuary is growing like crazy with sunflower about 4 feet tall and ready to blossom. Guess who must had had some babies while I was gone? I had noticed that a male gold finch had been solo a lot before I left.  Solo he is no more. They look to be a week or so old. So that sort of fits the time line of hatching. Canon 7d Tamron 150x600 F6.3 (I like F8 better) at ISO640 shutter speed 1/100th of a second. Mounted on my Vanguard Alta Pro Tripod.

Back Yard Sanctuary

My friend David Akoubian got me started on photographing every day song birds. He showed me the ropes on how to make sanctuary for my friends to eat. I have had some relaxing moments watching them and how they behave. When we were down in the Smoky Mountains Cecil Holme and I were talking about why the hell did we start this? Who thought we would be learning about birds and flowers. But I have really enjoyed it. I have been watching these Gold Finches the past few weeks. They are really quite the characters. They kind of get into being photographed. Yesterday a little female went as far as to actually appear to dance for me. Today the male shed his shyness and hammed it up. 

Male Gold Finch 

Male Gold Finch