Freedom isn't free!

 Carter Shield's Cabin Cade's Cove.

Our freedom is not free. Please remember on a day like today, fourteen years after the attacks on our country, Freedom is not free. Remember those who lost their lives for our freedom. Not just on 9-11, but for hundreds of years before that and the many years since.  Image shown in from the Smoky Mountains. I had never been to a National Park before the day i went to Cade's Cove.  I Learned of a new Freedom that day.  Here is how some of our early settlers lived. Freedom is Not free. God Bless America and all she offers us!

The Carter Shields Cabin is believed to have been built in the 1830s.  George Washing "Carter" Shields, a veteran of the Civil War who was crippled in the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862, called the cabin his home from 1910-1921.  

I can see why anyone would want to live here. The place is amzing to see. The dogwoods blooming. The Bears roaming around. Deer everywhere. Bird singing. Just amazing. 



Ole' One Eye

Ole' One Eye is actually a Fledgling. She's less than a week or two old. As a new bird watcher you start to recognize the behaviors of young hatchling compared to a seasoned birds.  The young are much more curious and watch me as long as I watch them.  It's a wonderfully relaxing hobby. So if you need help on how to set up a sanctuary, I can help as far as my basic knowledge goes  I am as new to birding as Ole' One Eye is to the world.

Female Juvinile Cardinal on the "Stick"

Back Yard Sanctuary

My friend David Akoubian got me started on photographing every day song birds. He showed me the ropes on how to make sanctuary for my friends to eat. I have had some relaxing moments watching them and how they behave. When we were down in the Smoky Mountains Cecil Holme and I were talking about why the hell did we start this? Who thought we would be learning about birds and flowers. But I have really enjoyed it. I have been watching these Gold Finches the past few weeks. They are really quite the characters. They kind of get into being photographed. Yesterday a little female went as far as to actually appear to dance for me. Today the male shed his shyness and hammed it up. 

Male Gold Finch 

Male Gold Finch