Tamron 15x30 Di VC USD Lens
/A classic New England Barn in Sunderland, Massachusettes
I have Photographed this barn many times before. the weather today was hazy, hot and humid. I saw this little break in the haze and clouds if only for a little while. But thats less important than the post about one hell of a fantastic lens. I love it for so many reasons. The biggest reason is its incredible diversity for compositions. I can use this lens for just about ever type of photography I enjoy. With exception of course, birding. The 15x30 balances well on my Canon 5d Miii. Though its a fairly heavy lens in comparisons to most of my other Tamron Glass, I don't find it cumbersome at all. I will be purchasing a VU filter system for it sooner or later. Image made with the Canon 5d Mii and Tamron 15x30. On top of my Sirui N3204x Tripod and K-30 Ball Head. Edited iN lightRoom CC and On1 Photo 10. Carried with LowePro Flipside aw500 and Peak Design accessories.