/White Bellied Nuthatch on the STICK.
Remembering. After a little family vacation, I decided to take a moment to remember the values my Grandfather taught me many moons ago. Work hard for everything you want. Never take anything from anyone, because they will take more in return. And relax when possible. Never forget the important things in life. Here is where my story today kind of stems from remembering his thoughts. My family and I spent some much needed time at Cape Cod. I didn't shoot a lot. Nor did I really feel like shooting a lot. In fact I took a little break. I spent some time with my wife and daughter. And even played mini golf rather than capture an epic sunset. (It was epic too) This morning I took a few minuets to start my second busy season as a photographer. I love my profession with all my heart. But this break was much needed. Amelia and I captured this and a couple other images together when she woke up. I didn't care if we got great shots we got great moments together. I hope she remembers them many years from now.
image made with Canon 5d Miii and Tamron 150x600 on my Sirui N3204x tripod and PH-20 Gimbal head. Viewed and tweaked in On1 Photo 10 and Lightroom CC.